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tv   ABC2 News at 5PM  ABC  December 17, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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there have been rallies and memorials all over the country supporting the teachers and the young children and the victims. the communitywas rocked and shook by something to so horrible no one could have anticipated it. network crews have been stationed outdz of the community and will don't cover this story. the president was in town last night to reach out to the families and people in the community so hurt by this tragedy. abc2 news tj is covering the story. we'll checkin with him. >> outside the local fire station is another makeshift memorial to the victims. aschool building that may possibly never reo oech. >> the first o of the funerals for the 26 victims began today.
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noah poz ner was the -- pozner was the youngest victim. hissister was in dafrnt classroom and survived the attack. jackpinto was also laid to rest. jack's obituary said he died december 14th 2012 in sandy hook elementary in the company of his many friends. >> officials say the scene of the massacre and gunman, adam lanza's home are still active crime scenes. . >> hundreds of workers are prepping the unused building to open so that school can resume we're working to try to be respectful and try to resume what normalcy we can. >> investigators are still serging for clues to what
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motivated lanza to first kill his mother in her home before going on a rampage in the school we did seize significant evidence at the residence. >> the school massacre has reignited the debate about gun control and gun rights. duringa memorial service sunday night, president obama vowed to help end the recent string of mass murders. >> these tragedies must end and to end them, we must change. . >> today state police revealed that there were two adult survivors of the school massacre. they were both shot many the lower body. reportinglive,tv with abc2 news. >> most of us have been crying since we heard the news on e friday and today was very tough to send your child off to school. it's human nature to worry. here's a mom. >> jamie, it took us all a
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little longer to let go today and that's because it takes a lot. the schools are required in maryland to have safety plans and we found out all of our local districts are up to date and all on file with the state. friday a's shooting means they'll probably be making changes a foggy morning for drop off in baltimore county but one thought was on every parent's minds, will my child be safe sgl so good-byes were a little longer, hugs a little tighter and security was eight locality -- was a lot more obvious. >> the children asked why there was a police officer here and we said they were here to say hi to everybody. >> here at this school the police and across the district are prepared to do more. . >> we all feel nervous.
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i wasnervous about children coming to school today too but we have a job to do. >> and for the superintendent, her job now means looking at security upgrades for schools, something her team started doing ore the week sglend many of our schools were built in the 80's and they were not built with the design of preventing intruders from coming in her staff looked at places that were vulnerable and would allow someone in the school. they arelooking to correct those. >> it lowers the probability if we are prepared for the unlikely emergency then that's going to lesson the impact that -- lessen the impact. >> she met to talk about a joint task force to a-dress not only security changes but
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mental health needs. they are also working with the county executive and the police to do walk throughs in the next 24 hours identifying any problems that need to be fixed.. >> at least six children who died were members of the catholic church there. >> the archbishop visited that parish. we have joins with his reaction. >> archbishop william lori says six funerals are planned at that church this week alone. heworked hand in hand with two priests. he chose a place of healing with where he performed a blessing over the facility to call upon the community to pray for everyone involved. >> certainly our hearts go out to the parents who lost their
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children. they have a grief like no other grief. we think of the her richl of the educators who lost their life and their grieving a- families and it is true that we are all with them in the spifrt of prayer and -- spirit of prayer and if ever there was a time to turn to the lord for guidance and strength this must be it. >> by shop lori left connecticut last year to assume duties here. he says the shoot shootings has brought to mind the security issues at catholic schools as well. >> and hairy reid is now calling on congress to have a meaningful conversation on how to stop gun violence. reid saysthe debate should take place in the next weeks. he saidcongress hasn't done enough to protect us, especially our children.
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the senate began today session with a moment of silence for the victims. andstay with us for more up to date information on the school shooting. we have a spot set up our website alleges. >> folks said more than a dozen people jumped out of a three-had story apartment building after a fire. don harrison reports from cambridge. >> in 35 years i've never seen a person jump out of a building. in 5 minutes last night i saw at least 10, 15 people. >> the flames reached four- alarm status as people jumped from their windows to the ground below. one hundredfirefighters spent almost two hours to bring the fire under control. >> they were jumping -- jumping from the third and
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second floor and landing on the concrete. > . >> state fire marshalls were here today doing an investigation. there was a clothing store on the first floor and three apartments on the second and third flee floor of the eight apartments, five of them had had people in them. >> i was on a roof with no way to get down or give assistance. >> ryan phillips was one of o those people home last night. he was lucky, he could get to a roof and jump only about ten feet. some neighbors weren't as fortunate. >> they jumped off of this small roof on to a van and luckily there was somebody there to -- it sounds crazy but to throw a baby out and somebody there to catch it but that's the only way it's go going to happen. >> according to sources,
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there's reason to believe this fire was intentionally set. asof now, the investigation is on going. . >> two good samaritans are struck and one is killed trying to help another driver stranded on the shoulder of route 152- 6789 they say the man pulled over to help a driver after the tire blew out. john scott also pulled out to help. both menstarted working on replacing the tire when a driver exiting 95 southbound on to 152 lost control and skidded into the car. the owner of the vehicle with the flat tire informs the at the time. scott sdie died at the e scene. >> and francis cane is behind bars in connection with a shooting. he is charged with attempted first degree murder and sought. baltimore mrifrswere on patrol
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when they heard gunshots on chess pike avenue. police tell us there was an argument outside the pub when he threw a bottom of gat raid and pulled out a gun and shot a man and a woman. he's being held without bail tonight. >> what an ugly day to be outside. we're still trying to see through the fog. we allwant to know when this fog is going to clear out. wyatteverhart is here with maryland's most active forecast. >> it was very dense. tough tosee and it's going to get tougher. drive with caution tonight. we just saw a story of breaking down on the side of the road and being struck, you have to be extremely careful. lessthan a third of a mile in baltimore. ten miles is the normal clear night out there.
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clouds don't flou in at the low level. it's going stay foggy. the rest of the evening, the fog will thicken up. so low beamsand give yourself extra time. >> wyatt, the thank you. thetragedy in connecticut is a difficult subject. >> and we're going to hear from an expert on how to talk to your kids and how to keep them from worrying too much. >> and we know it's important for our kids to get their vitamin d but how many glass offense milk should your children drink a day, find out when we return.
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. >> we are joined by dr. sharon steven. she joins us and she's originally from where?
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. >> connecticut, just 20 miles from nowtown. >> and you have young children. >> i do, one of whom is six dwl how young is two young to grasp -- i know as adults we can't grasp it but how young is too young. >> it's a question we've heard a lot today. i think the age is not the deciding factor. it'smore about how much exposure you think they might have. it'sconceivable that very young children might not have exposure to either media coverage or sense something is wrong with you. >> they read you. >> they do. >> exposure could be both ways. either they're going get it from the media or they'll see that mom, other dad, other adults are overly upset. if you have a sense that they sense something is wrong, start the conversation.
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>> don't let them come to you, go to them. >> if you don't start the conversation it could seem like it's more threatening. >> do you check to see what they know. >> exactly. find out what facts they know. do they have any facts or misinformation and then you want to generally correct that misinformation. >> all we want them to be is safe so how do you tell them they'll be safe? . >> that's our job really. ourjob is not to provide all of the details but what they're asking is could this happen to me or my friends. our job is to let them know they're going be safe. that's hard when with we have our own anxiety. >> doctor, you've been in this this a long time, if a child is 11 or older they've seen 09/11, the two wars and the snipers
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and the aurora shooting and now this. that's too much. >> it is too much. the realityis that despite the awful nature of this incident, these events are isolated and quite unusual and you want to convey that to your children. open line of communication. millions ofchildren go to school every day and they're safe. the adults in their life are looking out for their safety and parents, don't panic. >> that's easy to say, hard to do. >> doctor, are you going to stay around. >> i am going. >> thank you very much. > . and now maryland's most accurate forecast. >> it's tough to see out there now. the fog has been holding tough and there will be showers mixing in with the fog. it'sgoing the be an ugly night on the road. 46 degrees with 100% relative
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humidity. that plus no wind is adding up to a foggy situation. you can see that cloud deck descending and then that fog gets thick. unanimouspolice today -- unanimous police not much that you can make out. we see the rain mixing in with the fog, mist. an ugly look here in harford county as well. again, you want to use those low beans and drive with an extra amount of cause of action. there's a stalled boundary over the area. tremendous amount of cloud cover. with an extra amount of cause of action. there's a stalledboundary over the area. tremendous amount of cloud cover. . >> with that set up, we'll have the fog through just about the morning commute tomorrow. lessthan a third of a mile of
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visibility in the immediate baltimore community. under twomiles almost everywhere else. the bay bridge will be tough to see on too. very light breeze, not enough to mix that fog out. the temperatures are in the mid- 40s. we are going to keep the fog in the set up overnight for the wake up. moresignificant rain toward daybreak tomorrow and that will eventually clear the sky and allow us to see a little better tomorrow. here's the rain in the west that will arrive early tomorrow mod morning. you seesee some showers in the morning. a chill llier scenario tomorrow night and then the sun comes back wednesday before we get a new system in here thursday. temperatures now, again we're right on that boundary so we're
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not going to see a lot of movement temperature wise. thedaytime highs will be back in the 50s. not too bad by december standards. as we look at the big picture, a very ugly looking night and morning tomorrow but drier, clearer conditions make their way in over the southern plain states and that arrive here tomorrow afternoon and evening. tonight,dourn to 43 with dense folg. tomorrow, 57, morning dense fog and rain, then we're clearing through day and tomorrow night, generally clear but colder. next few days, mid-50s is the rule but a rain maker thursday into friday will bring rain and wind and prap ace brief winter mix into friday. now theweekend does look clear and sunny. >> two cups of milk a day, a-
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that's what our children need to get enough vitamin d and iron. researchers looked at 1300 children and said that is the magic number. supplementsmay be needed for some kids depending on the season, amount of time outside and a well balanced diet ensures the right amount of vitamin d. >> that comes from milk and it comes from food. a balance of that and food is a good mix. you're. >> researchers also say more milk that children drink, the less iron containing foods that they eat. >> now, when we were young, we used to just get one snack a day but today kids are snacking up to three times a day and that's waying in on the -- weighing in on the a-waistline.
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>> snacks that are higher in fiber, more protein like in cheese and vegetables, leave your kids feeling fuller and they're likely to eat less. >> researchers look put kids into four different groups. while watching a 45-minute cartoon, some were asked to snack on vegetable, some cheese, some a combination and some potato chips. those eatingvegetables and cheese ate 75 75 percent less calories than those eating potato chips the shooting at sandy hook elementary and the shooting in aurora, all of this has people talking about gun control. >> and several local groups work together turning their annual holiday party to an opportunity to -- opportunity to send love and support to
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newtown. with my keurig vue brewer, i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? inside the brewer, there's this train that makes coffee stronger, bigger, and hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew what you love with the keurig vue.
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. >> out came a big box and wrapped in christmas paper it was best present of all, dad. he'd been in afghanistan since may. . >> that is great. look at that. good for them. >> and these young men went to the the hard wood t griz versus jazz game and bumped into mom. they thought they were playing a game during timeout and dad set the whole thing up so that mom could l surprise them. . >> we need this right now because at this point there are still so many unanswered questions about the shooting
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sandy hook elementary. >> and among the questions, mental health, how can you revent this. >> plus deception, busted, that's the good news for you if you use one of three major credit cards. we'll tell you why you could be getting hundreds back. >> dense fog for the commute tonight and into the morning hours. that's on abc2 news at 5:00.
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